Thursday, February 24, 2011

Working Titles

I suppose this post will be more of a reminder to myself than anything. I've been thinking up titles for songs and throwing around ideas for their lyrical content. Here are some of the ones I've come up with.

1.) For We Are Many - A rebuttal to the common perception that adherence to Christianity is a necessary commitment to herd mentality, and turning the accusation on the thousands (millions?) of so-called individuals who listen to black metal, who all happen to act, speak, and think remarkably similarly for Übermenschen.

2.) Give Us Barabbas - An observation/indictment of how people, either knowingly or not, choose murder and unrest over peace. The criticism of Christians is that they choose Barabbas with a sense of religious righteousness, wreaking havoc while abdicating responsibility by claiming it's God's will, and in the end they will bring the judgment on themselves, not God (John 12:46-48). The criticism of black metal enthusiasts is their collective, fanatical obsession with death and destruction, and while that may make for some kind of odd psychological empowerment when it is limited to music, it leads to horrors that they could not bear in real life.

3.) Odium Theologicum - A history of the repugnant theological hatred that's been woven into Christian literature since the time of Paul.

4.) Usurpers - A narrative of the regaining of subjective meaning in Christianity in a world where religion has gone bankrupt.

5.) Askesis - The importance of ascetic practice as a means of Christification

6.) In Hoc Signo Vinces (title track) - A history of division in the church and a call to restore unity.

7.) Vade Retro Satana - overcoming temptation.
That's about all I've got so far.

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