After soldiering through technical difficulties and musicianship frustrations, we finished recording drums for the four songs last Thursday. It was a learning experience, more so than I would have liked, but all in all it was fun. This being a solo project, I underestimate the challenges of parceling out ample rehearsal time for each instrument involved in the process, finding a reliable and at-least-somewhat quiet space for practicing, pulling together the funds for adequate gear and hardware, and finding the time to get acquainted with your recording software and interface. Thanks be to God, I have amazing friends who are more than willing to lend their time and resources for this endeavor of mine. Otherwise, this could never happen. I am forever indebted to them for their friendship and their musical camaraderie.
Now that drums are finished, the challenge for this semester is to balance both school and a job, all the while trying to find the time to clean these drum tracks up and practice the guitar parts, some (most) of which are currently beyond my abilities. Until Winter, this blog may be somewhat dormant, with a few posts scattered here and there: but be sure, something is on the horizon.